
Originally from Lac-Saint-Jean, Quebec, Caroline Gaudreault studied Visual Arts at Collège d'Alma. Then, she studied Literature, History, Spanish and Programming in University.

For several years, she held various jobs in these fields of study, practicing art sporadically. But it was when she moved to Mexico to live there for a few years that she discovered Mexican art and returned to painting and drawing. Fascinated by these skeletons with eyes festooned by flowers that are represented in normal situations of everyday life, she paints a few works that feature living characters half skeletal, half human or animal.

In 2018, she decided to dedicate herself to art full time and developed her style drawing inspiration from both Mexican folklore and classical portraits that depict serious and dignified subjects.

Preferring the acrylic medium, she also practices mixed media on paper using ink, watercolor and gouache.